Sargebitas (Saras) (page 1/2)

Dabar rodoma: Sargebitas (Saras) - Pašto Ženklai (1930 - 1934) - 64 ženklai.

1930 No. 115 Surcharged

28. kovas WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[No. 115 Surcharged, tipas AX2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
141 AX2 60/80C 5,21 - 2,08 - USD  Info
1930 New Value

15. balandis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[New Value, tipas AX3]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
142 AX3 60C 10,42 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1931 Paintings - Charity Stamps

20. sausis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BG] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BG1] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BH] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BG2] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BH1] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BH2] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BI]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
143 BG 40C 20,84 - 26,05 - USD  Info
144 BG1 60C 20,84 - 26,05 - USD  Info
145 BH 1Fr 20,84 - 52,10 - USD  Info
146 BG2 1.50Fr 31,26 - 52,10 - USD  Info
147 BH1 2Fr 31,26 - 52,10 - USD  Info
148 BH2 3Fr 41,68 - 52,10 - USD  Info
149 BI 10Fr 260 - 312 - USD  Info
143‑149 427 - 573 - USD 
1931 Paintings - Charity Stamps

23. gruodis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BJ] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BJ1] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BJ2] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BK] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BK1] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BK2] [Paintings - Charity Stamps, tipas BL]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
150 BJ 40C 41,68 - 41,68 - USD  Info
151 BJ1 60C 41,68 - 41,68 - USD  Info
152 BJ2 1Fr 41,68 - 62,52 - USD  Info
153 BK 1.50Fr 52,10 - 62,52 - USD  Info
154 BK1 2Fr 62,52 - 62,52 - USD  Info
155 BK2 3Fr 83,36 - 104 - USD  Info
156 BL 5Fr 312 - 312 - USD  Info
150‑156 635 - 687 - USD 
1932 Airmail

20. balandis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[Airmail, tipas BM] [Airmail, tipas BM1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
157 BM 60C 15,63 - 5,21 - USD  Info
158 BM1 5Fr 156 - 104 - USD  Info
157‑158 171 - 109 - USD 
1932 New Value

20. balandis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[New Value, tipas AV2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
159 AV2 90C 41,68 - 20,84 - USD  Info
1932 Charity Stamps - Castles & Churches

20. gruodis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[Charity Stamps - Castles & Churches, tipas BN] [Charity Stamps - Castles & Churches, tipas BO] [Charity Stamps - Castles & Churches, tipas BP] [Charity Stamps - Castles & Churches, tipas BQ] [Charity Stamps - Castles & Churches, tipas BR] [Charity Stamps - Castles & Churches, tipas BS] [Charity Stamps - Castles & Churches, tipas BT]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
160 BN 40+15 C 26,05 - 26,05 - USD  Info
161 BO 60+20 C 26,05 - 26,05 - USD  Info
162 BP 1+50 Fr/C 41,68 - 41,68 - USD  Info
163 BQ 1.50+75 Fr/C 52,10 - 52,10 - USD  Info
164 BR 2+1 Fr 52,10 - 62,52 - USD  Info
165 BS 3+2 Fr 130 - 182 - USD  Info
166 BT 5+5 Fr 260 - 312 - USD  Info
160‑166 588 - 703 - USD 
1933 Charity for the Victims of Neunkirchen Gas Explosion

1. birželis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[Charity for the Victims of Neunkirchen Gas Explosion, tipas BU] [Charity for the Victims of Neunkirchen Gas Explosion, tipas BU1] [Charity for the Victims of Neunkirchen Gas Explosion, tipas BU2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
167 BU 60+60 C 41,68 - 20,84 - USD  Info
168 BU1 3+3 Fr 104 - 83,36 - USD  Info
169 BU2 5+5 Fr 104 - 83,36 - USD  Info
167‑169 250 - 187 - USD 
1934 Charity Stamps - Statues from Saarbruchen Churches

15. kovas WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[Charity Stamps - Statues from Saarbruchen Churches, tipas BV] [Charity Stamps - Statues from Saarbruchen Churches, tipas BW] [Charity Stamps - Statues from Saarbruchen Churches, tipas BX] [Charity Stamps - Statues from Saarbruchen Churches, tipas BY] [Charity Stamps - Statues from Saarbruchen Churches, tipas BZ] [Charity Stamps - Statues from Saarbruchen Churches, tipas CA] [Charity Stamps - Statues from Saarbruchen Churches, tipas CB]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
170 BV 40C 15,63 - 15,63 - USD  Info
171 BW 60C 15,63 - 15,63 - USD  Info
172 BX 1Fr 20,84 - 20,84 - USD  Info
173 BY 1.50Fr 41,68 - 41,68 - USD  Info
174 BZ 2Fr 31,26 - 41,68 - USD  Info
175 CA 3Fr 41,68 - 41,68 - USD  Info
176 CB 5Fr 83,36 - 83,36 - USD  Info
170‑176 250 - 260 - USD 
1934 No.113 Surcharged

1. lapkritis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Perforacija: 13½

[No.113 Surcharged, tipas AW2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
177 AW2 40/50C 4,17 - 1,56 - USD  Info
[Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AT2] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AU2] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AV3] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AW3] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AT3] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AV4] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AW4] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AX4] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AU3] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AV5] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AX5] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AY4] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AY5] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AY6] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AY7] [Plebicite - Previous Issues Overprinted "VOLKSABSTIMMUNG 1935", tipas AO1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
178 AT2 10C 1,04 - 0,52 - USD  Info
179 AU2 15C 1,04 - 0,52 - USD  Info
180 AV3 20C 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
181 AW3 25C 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
182 AT3 30C 1,04 - 0,52 - USD  Info
183 AV4 40C 1,04 - 0,78 - USD  Info
184 AW4 50C 2,08 - 1,56 - USD  Info
185 AX4 60C 1,04 - 0,52 - USD  Info
186 AU3 75C 2,08 - 1,56 - USD  Info
187 AV5 90C 2,08 - 1,56 - USD  Info
188 AX5 1Fr 2,08 - 1,56 - USD  Info
189 AY4 1.50Fr 4,17 - 3,13 - USD  Info
190 AY5 2Fr 6,25 - 5,21 - USD  Info
191 AY6 3Fr 12,50 - 10,42 - USD  Info
192 AY7 5Fr 62,52 - 31,26 - USD  Info
193 AO1 10Fr 62,52 - 62,52 - USD  Info
178‑193 164 - 124 - USD 


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